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How time flies
Exploring the origins of flight in North Carolina
Publisher: Continental Airlines
Date: 8/30/2002
Subject: Travel
Comments: Given how much air travel is part of our everyday lives, it's really mind-boggling to think that the Wright brothers' famous first human-powered flight took place less than 100 years ago. And North Carolina is preparing for a centennial celebration that appropriately honors their milestone achievement.
Philly swats Mutombo
City of Brotherly Love bids center adieu
Date: 8/7/2002
Subject: Sports
Comments: Another installment of my NBA column for, where I ponder curious trades and the art of palming a basketball.
Gang Green
Celtics pray that trade produces vintage Baker
Date: 8/4/2002
Subject: Sports
Comments: A new baskteball column for the irreverant web site, This is my first installment, hot on the heels of the Celtics big summer trade!
Pedal mettle
Contemplating the afterlife during the Flinthills Death Ride
Publisher: Continental Airlines
Date: 7/30/2002
Subject: Racing
Comments: Why do I keep putting myself in these situations? My best answer is that my rationale falls into the same category as the old joke about the guy banging his head on the wall. "'Cause it feels so good when I stop!" This abbreviated version of my race account appeared in Continental Airlines.
Downhill all day
Ski resorts bring mountain biking full circle
Publisher: Outdoor Adventure
Date: 7/28/2002
Subject: Mountain biking
Comments: Admittedly, I've got mixed feelings about mountain biking at ski resorts. Chairlifts, to my mind, are simply too easy, and mountain biking requires some work to fully enjoy the rewards. That said, many resorts also feature killer trail systems, and you've got to love those slopeside accommodations. This piece, done for Outdoor Adventure magazine, highlights the best resorts for fat-tire types.
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