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Palm Springs' triple treat
Outdoor adventure flourishes outside Hollywood enclave
Publisher: Continental Airlines
Date: 10/22/2002
Subject: Travel
Comments: My Time Out column for Continental Airlines took me out west to Palm Springs, to see what outdoor diversions I could find other than a good game of golf. I found plenty.
Born again
Queen City's crown reveals renewed luster
Publisher: Continental Airlines
Date: 8/30/2002
Subject: Travel
Comments: It's always a little tricky writing about a special place from your childhood, especially in 800 words or less. But I really enjoyed doing this profile on Manchester, N.H., for Continental Airlines.
The Iceman Cometh
Getting a grip on water's frozen form, 50 feet up
Publisher: Continental Airlines
Date: 9/1/2002
Subject: Climbing/Travel
Comments: If you're from New England, ice is part of your winter reality. That doesn't mean you can mothball the climbing gear - you just have to adapt to a new medium.
Pedal mettle
Contemplating the afterlife during the Flinthills Death Ride
Publisher: Continental Airlines
Date: 7/30/2002
Subject: Racing
Comments: Why do I keep putting myself in these situations? My best answer is that my rationale falls into the same category as the old joke about the guy banging his head on the wall. "'Cause it feels so good when I stop!" This abbreviated version of my race account appeared in Continental Airlines.
Casting call
Fly-fishing heaven at the High Lonesome Lodge
Publisher: Continental Airlines
Date: 7/27/2002
Subject: Travel
Comments: Finally, I got to find out first hand why fly fishing has become so wildly popular. My own version of "A River Runs Through It" was done for my monthly Time Out column for Continental Airlines.
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